About Us


About YednaTech

YednaTech joins local and global forces to forge resilience and vibrancy in Ukraine's post-war era


Incubated by Catalyst 2030 and launched in February 2023


YednaTech is committed to building a resilient and vibrant ecosystem that brings together SMEs, NGOs, government entities, and global stakeholders to drive sustainable development and socio-economic renewal across Ukraine. Our focus is on empowering marginalised communities, including war veterans, disabled individuals, and internally displaced persons, ensuring they have the support and opportunities needed to thrive.


Our vision is to transform Ukraine into a hub of innovation and collaboration, where local and global partners unite to foster a flourishing and sustainable society. By harnessing the power of social enterprises and community leaders, we strive to catalyse lasting socio-economic growth, stability, and resilience across the country.


  • ObriyUnity (Employment Platform for War-Affected Communities in Ukraine

Our Objectives

  • Empowerment Through Funding:

    Lead impactful fundraising campaigns to ensure local projects receive the necessary resources to drive meaningful change, fostering long-term socio-economic renewal in marginalised communities across Ukraine.

  • Bridging Connections:

    Facilitate seamless communication channels that connect Ukrainian organisations with global funders and experts, unlocking valuable opportunities to strengthen local impact and collaboration.

  • Grant Mastery:

    Equip local organisations with expert guidance in crafting compelling grant applications, empowering them to secure vital funding and enhance their capacity to contribute to Ukraine's development.

  • Corporate Alliances:

    Forge strategic partnerships with forward-thinking corporations, leveraging pro-bono services and support to benefit Ukrainian organisations and amplify the impact of their work.

  • Networking Goldmine:

    Cultivate a dynamic networking environment that enables local organisations to connect with a wide array of stakeholders, enriching their knowledge, experience, and resource base.

  • Economic Renaissance:

    Champion initiatives that drive Ukraine’s transition toward a sustainable, socially impactful economy, with a focus on uplifting the most vulnerable and marginalised communities to ensure inclusive growth and prosperity.

Annual Highlights

Empowering Change and Innovation

Throughout the year, YednaTech and its partners have made significant strides in fostering sustainable development and supporting the resilience of our communities during challenging times. Here are some of the key achievements and initiatives from this past year

Business Accelerator Program for Ukrainian Businesses

Launched by Impact Force during the World Economic Forum Annual Meetings 2023, this program focuses on rebuilding Ukraine by promoting local innovators and impact businesses at the forefront of recovery. The goal is to cultivate a robust ecosystem that encourages businesses to reinvest profits into creating positive social change.

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Dream and Achieve Online Business Academy

In partnership with UN Women and the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, this initiative empowers displaced Ukrainian women in Poland and Ukraine. It equips them with entrepreneurial and digital skills necessary to achieve financial security and actively contribute to their communities.

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Employment Platform for War-Affected Communities

This platform is a new flagship project of YednaTech. It is tailored to aid war-affected individuals, including veterans, the disabled, and internally displaced persons, by connecting them with meaningful employment opportunities, as well as equipping them with upskilling and mental wellness opportunities, thus enhancing social inclusion and national productivity.

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